Coaching Services

Our service is available both in person and via Zoom, depending on the location of the athlete. This allows us to provide our services to athletes from different parts of the world, and we can work around their schedules to ensure they get the training they need to perform at their best.

Boost Mental Skills

Improve your mental skills, such as concentration, confidence, motivation, and goal setting, to enhance your athletic performance.

Overcome Mental Barriers

Overcome mental barriers such as anxiety, fear of failure, negative self-talk, and lack of focus.

Enhance Resilience

Learn strategies to cope with setbacks and develop mental toughness, allowing yourself to bounce back quickly from failures and stay motivated to achieve your goals.

Improve Overall Performance

Achieve your full potential and perform at your best consistently, leading to improved overall performance and success

Man speaking in front of a crowd


x2 sessions monthly

Introducing our standard mental performance package, consisting of 2 sessions per month with our experienced and qualified mental performance coach Momodou. Our package is designed to enhance your mental skills and help you achieve your goals.

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Create a plan

Are you hungry and want more? No problem! We offer the premium package, which allows you to customise your own amount of sessions and also you have the opportunity to have Momodou work with you in person. This will allow you to pin point and work on more specific areas in your game.

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Man pushing himself while doing an exercise